In Development! (Plans)

Now don't get too excited, there's nothing to see yet! Here's the rundown.

This was my first ever game made for a Jam. It's a little sliver of the big pie I had in mind. I was really just beginning to scratch the surface of Unity and 3D so I couldn't execute on it very well.

It's been about.. 4 months since then I think? I have a little more confidence with the process now. I think it's finally time, to get this boll rolling again. I'd like to expand the game out to it's original scope!

That's all for now, but as I progress, I might come back to this post and edit in some screenshots of how it goes.

Get Hide n Seek thingy (NSFW)


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It never really got off the ground. I've attempted a remake of this several times.

Hehe, Don't you worry Draggi boy, I've gotten it off the ground. The remake is in active production!